Privacy Policy

We are dedicated to preserving and protecting your privacy and dignity.


Welcome to Hangover Studios. This Privacy Policy describes our policies for collecting, using, disclosing, and protecting data obtained through our service. All users are bound by our Privacy Policy.

By using the app, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and acknowledge that you have read and understood it.

Information We Collect

We may collect the following types of information:

Non Personal Information:

Information that does not identify an individual user, collected to improve user experience.

Personal Information:

Information used to identify an individual, such as facial features for face swap effects. This information is collected to process photos and provide effects, but we do not store face data beyond the duration of the face swap process.

Sending Images to Our Servers

You will send the choosen images to our server via an encrypted connection, ensuring the security and confidentiality of your data during transmission.

Face Data Collection and Storage

To provide face swap effects, we analyze facial features from photos sent to our server. This data is not stored on our servers beyond the completion of the processing and rendering process.

Reasons for Storing Face Data: Face data is stored temporarily to apply face swap effects.

Length of Time Face Data Is Stored: Face data is retained only for as long as necessary to complete the face swap process. Once the final rendering is sent to the user, the original face data is erased.

Sharing Face Data with Third Parties: We do not share face data with third parties. Our use of face data is strictly limited to processing within our own servers.

Third-Party Privacy Practices: Since we do not share face data with third parties, there is no further requirement to outline third-party practices. Any other data shared with third parties is done for app performance, analytics, or communication purposes, not related to face data.

User-Uploaded Images: Our app allows you to upload an image. However, we do not store this image on our servers. Instead, the image is saved securely on your device. We only access the image file path to retrieve it for your use within the app.

App Performance Enhancement

We use non-personal information to verify, evaluate, and enhance our app's performance.


We may send you emails regarding marketing notifications, app usage feedback requests, and updates about our terms and guidelines.

Third-Party Services

Our services are supported by third-party services for bug reporting, hosting, analytics, and transactional SMS services. However, these third parties do not receive any face data.

Data Security

We use encryption protocols to safeguard data and are committed to protecting the security of your information.

We collect and use your device's unique identifier (Device ID) for the purpose of managing in-app coins and ensuring the integrity of coin transactions. This information helps us to:

The Device ID is a unique string of characters assigned to your device by the operating system. This identifier does not include any personally identifiable information such as your name, email address, or phone number. We ensure that this data is handled with the highest standards of security and privacy.

Data Retention

Data is retained only for as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this policy or as required by law. Face data is deleted immediately after processing is complete.


Advertising content may be served through our app, but face data is not involved in this process.

Age Limitation

You must be at least 18 years old to access or use our app. Minors between the ages of 13 and 17 require permission from and supervision of their parent or guardian.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or notice a breach, please contact us at